Sunday, October 21, 2007

More cross dressing

How secure is my son in his masculinity?

Trip to Linvilla Orchards

We picnicked...

...we ponied...

...we pumpkined...

... & we posed.

All in all a lovely morning out..

Monday, October 15, 2007

Ann's Birthday

Nothing says Happy Birthdayt like bad singing.

last resort?

Cat and I bickering has finally taken it's toll on Ann and she chose to have Cat physically and verbally restrained. It has been much quieter but I am getting bored...

Fashion Faux Pas

So Trinity dressed herself yesterday in an alarming combination of patterns and a shoe & sock combination best left too octogenarian gentleman who are bound for the beach. Much to her chagrin we asked her to change before going to lunch at an Indian restaurant on Sunday. While i was writing this post she ramarked that the picture looked "funny".

love Mama

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Atticus' even newer big boy bed

As promised here are the pictures of Atticus' new bed. He loves it and only falls out every other night, he will cry for about ten seconds and then fall asleep on the floor. Last night when he fell out he asked Ann "to put him back in his big boy bed".